LaConco | Mnge!Weh Shwele!Suka Demedi!Saze Sasha!Gugul Me!

Premium Quality unique Cool phrase unisex printed t-Shirts , Sweaters & hoodies


Refresh- Nourish- Defend
This luxuries skin care range is made of 100% natural butters and oils.

“LaConco naturals is a luxuries body skincare range that is made of 100% Shea, mango, cocoa, and coconut butter and infused with essential oils.”

“LaConco naturals is a luxuries body skincare range that is made of 100% Shea, mango, cocoa, and coconut butter and infused with essential oils.”

 This range has a body butter, bath soap, and body scrub.


This event aims to break Barriers during the day, featuring a panel of inspiring talks from women of influence,  who give a deeper perspective of issues women go on a day to day basics especially on the chosen topics for the day. This permits you to engage, it’s a platform of conversation. You will be carted for a buffet, snacks in-between, drinks and hot beverage.


Nonkanyiso Conco, affectionately known as LaConco is an eloquent speaker; she has facilitated conferences across development planning, and women empowerment fields. She assists young girls and women in business achieve their ultimate goals. Her vibrant bubbly character and confidence enable her to facilitate vibrant sessions. LaConco has amazing time management skills whilst promoting engaging debates.


“Be patient greatness is awaiting you.”

A woman of Purpose and Vision • iBhinca • God Orator • Social Entrepreneur

  • Public appearances

  • Panel Speaker

  • Event Hosting

  • Virtual Events